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How to Fix Stunted Hair Growth: Recommendations from Yao Secret Experts

September 05, 2024 4 min read


Stunted hair growth, meaning that your hair doesn’t grow as expected, is a broad term that can mean that your hair growth:

  • Stopped completely
  • Slowed drastically

If you’re caring for your hair with the right routine and are relatively healthy, your hair shouldn’t be stunted. Stunted growth can be caused by quite a few things:

Things That Stunt Hair Growth

Age, genetics and hormones can all cause stunted hair growth, and many of these causes are out of your control. You can’t reverse time, but you can combat it with some of the following:

Poor Nutrition

Nutrition is one of the things that stunt hair growth and cause some of the other points we’ll touch on, such as:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Stress

Two main issues can lead to hair loss or stunted growth, according to a 2017 study:

  • Calorie malnutrition
  • Protein malnutrition

If you’re not eating enough calories or protein, aim to reach your daily recommended values.


Stress is linked to hair loss, causing three main types:

  1. Telogen effluvium
  2. Trichotillomania
  3. Alopecia areata

For the first type of hair loss, your hair remains in the resting phase, stunting it before it eventually falls out in a few months' time.

Hormonal Imbalances

What can stunt hair growth? Hormonal imbalances, especially related to thyroid hormone levels, can disrupt your hair cycle.

Scalp Conditions

Stunted hair growth can also be caused by certain scalp conditions, such as:

  • Tinea capitis, also known as scalp ringworm
  • Psoriasis
  • Dermatitis

Often, you can treat these scalp conditions and restore hair growth.


Hair care trends show a positive trend toward organic styling products, but you want to avoid some of the issues that stunt hair growth:

  • Too much heat from styling tools, such as hair straighteners
  • Products that clog hair follicles
  • Products that damage your roots

Be cautious when using harsh hair chemicals because they’ll eventually damage your hair.

Lack of Hydration

Stunted hair growth may be due to your lack of hydration. If you’re dehydrated, it impacts circulation, dries hair and can stunt growth. A simple fix? Drink more water, ideally two liters per day.


Medications may be what causes stunted hair growth for many people. Certain medications can interfere with the scalp’s natural hair growth cycle and extend the phase during which the hair rests.

How to Fix Stunted Hair Growth?

Now that you understand the things that stunt hair growth, let’s look at how you can solve the problem to restore your hair’s health and beauty.

Evaluate Your Diet

Are you eating a healthy diet, or are you eating mostly processed and fast foods?

Take an honest look at your diet and start to make gradual changes. For example, the next time you head to the market, make it a point to buy at least one or two more fruits and vegetables that you like.

Replacing unhealthy foods with whole, unprocessed foods can help improve your hair growth.

Manage Stress

One of the biggest causes of stunted hair growth is stress. Find ways to relax and destress every day, whether it’s through yoga, meditation or just doing something you love.

Limit Heat Styling

The market for heat styling tools is enormous, and while they may be fine to use once in a while, they cause serious damage to your hair over the long term. If you’re heat styling every day or every other day, try to cut back to once a week, once a month or even less often.

Stay Hydrated

Want to know our secret on how to grow stunted hair? Hydration. Yes! Proper hydration supports healthy hair growth.

Dehydration increases shedding and slows regrowth, which is the exact opposite of what you want.

Make sure you’re drinking at least 2-3 liters of water per day.

Use Natural Hair Care Products 

If your hair growth is stunted, it may be time to reevaluate your hair care routine. The hair care industry is riddled with products that can actually damage your hair over time.

Natural products will give your hair a rest from harsh chemicals and other ingredients that may be impacting your growth. Swap your old products for natural ones, like our fermented rice water treatment and our shampoo and conditioner bars.

Your hair will thank you for giving it the nutrients and care it needs to grow and thrive.

Protect Your Hair

Stunted hair growth can also be caused by breakage and improper physical care. If your goal is to grow your hair long, then you need to protect it, especially at night while you sleep.

Wear your hair in a bonnet, and try not to tug or snag your hair when styling or combing.

Trim Regularly

You'll find plenty of news articles about trimming your hair every six weeks, and this advice is spot on. Experts recommend giving your hair a good trim, at minimum, every six weeks to help get rid of breakage and encourage healthy growth.

Final Thoughts

Stunted hair growth can be frustrating, and it’s not always easy to determine the cause. But the good news is that it’s often reversible. Try the tips above to kickstart your hair’s growth today.

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